Welcome to Lot Sixteen’s Employee Performance Review Guide. Let’s get started.

The goal of our annual year-end reviews is to provide each team member with the necessary feedback, support and role clarity to enhance their effectiveness in their current position and foster their professional development for future growth. Our feedback and reviews are grounded in the roles and responsibilities we have spelled out for each title level.

Lot Sixteen’s philosophy on promotions is that staff are promoted once they have demonstrated the ability to successfully execute the responsibilities of the next title level.

Promotion opportunities are reviewed annually as part of the review cycle, but may be earned mid-year where warranted.

Employee Review Roles & Feedback

The review process at Lot Sixteen was developed to be comprehensive and in-depth. The process incorporates feedback on each employee from all levels of the firm. All employees complete their reviews at same time of year (October through December).

Feedback is collected from multiple staff members on assigned accounts and among the firm leadership. Feedback is anchored around the categories in the “Roles & Responsibilities” document, which is divided by title. Once feedback has been collected and reviews have been written, the review is shared with the employee in advance of a scheduled review meeting.

Review Roles:

  • Feedback Providers → Each employee has a designated list of Feedback Providers that will be asked to provide feedback on the employee via a Google Form or 1:1 conversation with Allison.
  • Review Leads → Each employee is assigned one Review Lead who is responsible for summarizing feedback themes into the review draft, sharing the final review with the employee, and facilitating a review discussion.
  • Review Approver → Assigned to each employee to sign-off on the final copy of the annual review.
  • Executive Leadership Team (Partners + EVPs + SVPs) → Responsible for promotion decisions.
  • Partners + EVPs → Responsible for compensation decisions.

Feedback Process:

  • Associates, Senior Associates, and Directors will provide feedback to assigned staff using the General Feedback Google Form.
  • Senior Directors and higher will provide feedback to assigned staff using the Peers, Colleagues, and Managers Feedback Google Form (senior staff with higher review loads can also provide feedback 1:1 to Allison Schafer).
  • Allison Schafer will share feedback collected for each employee with that person’s Review Lead and Approver. The Review Lead will consider this feedback in writing the review.
  • Allison Schafer or the Review Lead may follow-up with clarifying questions about feedback.

Self-Review Process

Self-Review Process:

Part 1: Employee Self-Review & Manager Feedback

  • Employee makes a working copy of the Lot Sixteen Review Template
  • Employee uses the template to comment on each of the 4 areas highlighted in the Lot Sixteen Roles & Responsibilities document based on current title.
  • Review Lead reads employee comments and summarizes themes collected from assigned list of feedback providers.

Part 2: Reflecting on Prior Goals

  • Employee reflects on achievements from last year’s goals
  • Review Lead adds additional comments regarding last years goals

Part 3: Goals for the Year

  • Employee suggests three goals based on skill development and business development.
  • Review Lead reads Employee suggestions and finalizes goals for the upcoming year.

Part 4: Growth Path

  • Review Lead highlights the skills, behavior, and/or expertise that needs to be demonstrated for the Employee to achieve the next promotional level (and Allison will provide feedback (edits) to the Review Lead within 3 days.)

Providing Constructive Feedback

Constructive feedback is…

  • Specific & actionable (use verbs!)
    • Timely (don’t wait)
    • Primarily forward looking (names what the person should do going forward)
    • Focused on business needs and impact (the “why”)
  • Change” feedback: Names the specific behavior, skill, or approach that needs to change (or that is currently missing) in order for the individual to increase effectiveness in their role or on the team.
  • “Continue” feedback: Names the specific behavior, skill, or approach that the individual has already demonstrated that they should continue to demonstrate towards being effective in their role or on the team.

2024 Review Process Timeline

September 12 - 27

All Employees:

  • Complete self-review comments (submit to Missy Deerin)

September 30 - October 11

All Employees:

  • Submit feedback for all assigned staff via Google Form (or 1:1 with Allison Schafer)

October 14 - October 22

Review Leads:

Write review for each assigned team member

  • Read all feedback shared by Allison
  • Read 2024 self-review and 2024 mid-year + 2023’s annual review (if applicable)
  • Generate review draft
  • Share draft for all assigned employees with Allison and Review Approver.

Allison to provide feedback to Review Lead within 3 days.

By November 1

Review Leads:

  • Revise draft for each assigned team member (incorporating feedback from Allison and Review Approver).

By November 8

Review Approvers:

  • Review Approver signs-off on final review copy.

November 19 - 27

Review Leads schedule and conduct review meetings (Review Leads to share final copy of review with the employee 1-2 days in advance.)

2024 Action Items By Role

All Employees:

  • Complete self-review comments and submit to Missy (by September 27).
  • Review the email listing your responsibilities as a 360 Feedback Provider (email with your responsibilities will be sent to you by September 30.)
  • Submit 360 Feedback for all assigned staff September 30 - October 11 (due by October 11.)
    • Associates, Senior Associates and Directors (General) use this form
    • Senior Directors and higher (Peers, Colleagues and Managers) use this form

Review Leads

(Senior Directors and higher)
  • Review your list of review roles (to be shared by September 30.) Identify all staff where you are serving as Review Lead.
  • Block time to draft reviews (October 14-October 22). Share with Allison and Review Approver by October 22.
  • Block time to finalize each review. Expect feedback within 3 days of sharing with Allison; review must be finalized by November 1.
  • Schedule time to hold review discussions with each employee (November 9 - 27)

Review Approvers

(VPs and higher)
  • Review list of review roles (to be shared by September 30.) Identify all staff where you are serving as Approver. Touch base with each Review Lead you’re assigned to work with to provide support as needed.
  • Block time to give feedback to Review Lead (November 1 to November 8) and to finalize the review (by November 8)

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